
Showing posts from July, 2022

How Much Money Should High-Tech Companies Budget for Their SEO Program?

How much should a technology company pay for SEO? In other words, what should be my SEO budget as a technology company? This perhaps is the wrong question to ask because it really depends. If you Google this and peruse through the top links, you are going to get various articles that reach the conclusions I have outlined below: $1000 per month offers are generally not a good idea. These agencies do all sorts of tactics to raise your rankings, but there is a good chance that your domain may land in trouble with Google. Most reputable agencies with above board SEO practices will charge you between $3K to $5K per month. And this seems to be a price point that most online articles are converging on. I also agree that this is pretty much the sweet spot. Obviously, this figure is going to change if you are a colossal business with a zillion products and web properties. You may also see something called thought leadership SEO that runs upwards of $7K per month. Frankly, this offer makes no se...