Did Mythic, the AI Processor Startup, Fail because they Underinvested in Marketing?

I have been watching the nascent AI Processor market with interest - it's a brand new opportunity for semiconductors to address applications that didn't exist before. Here's a good primer from McKinsey. Mythic, a hot AI processor startup that raised $160+ Mn has unfortunately run out of money before reaching revenue. Mythic chips and eval boards have been available for over a year now, so one wonders if they were not able to generate enough demand. It will be impossible to know exactly what went wrong from the outside looking in, but it still is an interesting exercise to take a look at their demand creation activities, specifically SEO, which by its very nature is public. SEO is a great sidekick to the traditional strategic marketing/business development activities and exhibits tremendous long tail effects. First thing to do is to start looking for possible keywords/key phrases that prospects (customers, partners, job seekers) are using to frame their Google searches. In ...