Optimizing a Semiconductor Company Website for Search Engines - Part 1

In this series, I plan to take you, dear reader, through the complete process of SEO. We will create a hypothetical company with hypothetical products that are based in reality. I certainly hope that it will encourage more people to embrace this freely available marketing resource with the widest reach.

Let's call our company Mirella - a fabless telecom chip maker. Doesn't the name and logo look cool? I created it using a service called Namelix that uses AI to generate business names. 

Mirella Logo

Since Mirella is entirely a figment of our imagination, we need to make sure that it has some products to sell to the Imaginarium. To do that, I looked at some interesting startups in the 5G space and name that I have zeroed in on is EdgeQ. It's a 5G+AI chip startup building base stations on a chip. Importantly, they have a functioning website, which is needed to run not only a technical audit, but is also a starting point for keyword research and analysis.

We will have to perform a technical audit on the EdgeQ, ahem! Mirella website. But before we do that, we need to find some keywords. For that, we will turn to our favorite 'Keywords Everywhere' tool and analyze Mirella's home and technology pages. Upon review, it looks as it Mirella has not done a particularly good job of finding they right set of keywords - densities for keywords or phrases that have low or zero search volumes is very high (for example, programmability meets low power) and some keywords are too generic in the sense that they cannot be optimized for (for example, base station). 

How do we find the right keywords in this case? We will combine two tools to find what people are searching for - first off, use 'Answer the Public*' to identify heavily searched keyphrases and then use 'Keywords Everywhere' to find search volumes and competition - we can also add our own variations to the keywords as necessary. Since we are building telecom products based on 5G, AI and RISC-V, let's use those as starting points. 

Out of our research have emerged a few keywords with decent search volumes and low competition, as shown below. For example, small cell 5g and 5g massive mimo. Mirella should start by optimizing its web page content for these keywords to start with. They should be writing for their customer, not ramble, make it shareable, use titles and H1s and make sure it's better than the competitors. There's more to it, but here's a good guide

Now that we have some keywords, we will do a technical audit in part two of the blog.

Table showing targeted keywords for the Mirella website SEO

Please note that this is not comprehensive by any means but just intended to give you a flavor. A complete keyword research exercise will take days. You can use the tools and techniques mentioned in here to do your own research. You also have the option of reaching out to me when needed.

* NP Digital has acquired this formerly independent tool as of last year. 



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